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YAIA's blog, Insights, is a platform aimed at promoting the voice of emerging young Australians in the analysis and commentary of International affairs.

No time for neutrality: Australia must consider backing US sanctions on Iran
US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 and the subsequent series of...
Jul 27, 20193 min read

Steering the European Union through populist waters
The European Commission will be led for the first time in its history by a woman, Germany’s Defence Minister, Ursula von der Leyen. Von...
Jul 27, 20193 min read

BP Statistical Review 2019 – it’s time to shift climate adaptation higher up the international agend
In his remarks at the June launch of the 68th annual edition of the BP Statistical Review, BP’s chief economist Spencer Dale pointed out...
Jul 26, 20194 min read

What happened to the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor?
Since 2014, under the leadership of Prime Ministers Abe Shinzō and Narendra Modi respectively, there has been a notable and growing...
Jul 24, 20194 min read

Asia’s 'World City' threatened as Beijing tightens its grip
In late June, thousands of anti-extradition protestors surrounded the Hong Kong Police Headquarters and began laying siege to the...
Jul 15, 20193 min read

Rings of Exploitation: Sex Trafficking Beyond Epstein
The emerging scandal of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest over sex trafficking claims is not an isolated case, rather it is...
Jul 12, 20193 min read

For Facebook, perception is reality
There's a comparison to be made between Facebook’s COO, Sheryl Sandberg, and the former US Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney was...
Jul 11, 20193 min read

On US-Iran relations, Europe finds itself between a rock and a hard place
Increasingly, the US and Europe are not seeing eye-to-eye in their approach to Iran. The complex relationship between Iran and the US has...
Jul 9, 20194 min read

The paradox of energy security in the developing world
In 2019, almost one billion people worldwide live without access to electricity. This is about 13 per cent of the global population, most...
Jul 8, 20194 min read

The case for CANZUK British Foreign Policy Post-Brexit: How Australia Could Stand to Benefit.
With the Brexit deadline on the horizon, Australia could enter a new beneficial relationship with Britain and other Anglosphere countries...
Jul 8, 20194 min read

Bolstering civilian protection in Sudan
The #BlueforSudan movement has drawn worldwide attention to the ongoing political crisis in Sudan. Blue was the reported favourite colour...
Jul 3, 20194 min read

Protestors stormed the legislative building in Hong Kong. What are they fighting for?
Protests in Hong Kong took a turn this week as the city marked the anniversary of the city’s return to Chinese rule. In contrast to a...
Jul 2, 20194 min read

The Politics of Memory: Tiananmen’s 30th Anniversary
In Tiananmen Square, over the course of two days from June 3-4 1989, the Chinese Government deployed 300,000 troops to brutally quell...
Jun 23, 20193 min read

Australia's four 'first order' relationships
With the announcement of the ‘Pacific Step-Up’ last year, it is unsurprising that recent discussion of Australian foreign policy has...
Jun 20, 20194 min read

Resource disputes on the high seas
Much of the world’s fossil fuel supply has been depleted, however large deposits still remain under the ocean, where organic matter from...
Jun 18, 20194 min read

Three reasons US tariffs on Mexico would not curb illegal immigration
After over a week of uncertainty and a twelve hour meeting at the US State Department, Mexico and the US have finally reached an...
Jun 17, 20194 min read

All eyes on the G20 as US-China talks stall
Hopes for a resolution to the US-China trade war were dashed in early May after the Chinese government sent the US a revised draft of the...
Jun 16, 20193 min read

Turkey’s troubled European Union ambitions
Turkey’s long-awaited hopes of accession to the European Union have taken a further backslide as the country’s strongman leader, Recep...
Jun 16, 20194 min read

The open source future of intelligence
In this information technology age, access to sensitive information is increasingly open to groups and individuals outside the...
Jun 15, 20194 min read

What’s next for Xinjiang?
In China’s north-west lies the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: a vast, remote area that has become the setting of a contemporary...
Jun 15, 20194 min read
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